(Note: I had spent the weekend taking a bunch of pics, but for some reason the ones on my camera aren't transferring :( )
Even though many of my plans were not set in stone, I ended up having a busy, busy weekend!
Friday was spent clubbing in DC, but that didn't mean that I couldn't make it to yoga Saturday morning!
Saturday night, I had a wonderful reunion with high school friends :) it was really great to see them again.
Sunday, I had a fun trip to Eastern Market with a friend.
I needed to do some script work and memorize some lines that afternoon, so I made a trip to a local coffee shop to get some work done :)
Ice tea to fuel me through!
As I was walking home, my friend called my and asked if I wanted to see Harold Pinter's Old Times, which is playing downtown. Her parents had bought a spare ticket. I definitely could not refuse the offer to see a show for free!
And finally, on Monday I got up early to hike the Billy Goat Trail with some friends. It's my favorite hike in the DC area by far.
Question du jour? Do you hike or consider yourself an outdoorsy person? Or do you prefer to exercise indoors?